1. A 60-year-old woman presents with the results of her DXA scan. She has a T-score of –1.5 SD at the hip and –2.5 at the spine. Which of the following is the most accurate interpretation of these results?
A. This is a normal examination
B. She has osteoporosis in both areas
C. She has osteoporosis at the spine and osteopenia at the hip
D. She has osteoporosis of the hip and osteopenia at the spine
2. Which of the following is/are recommendations for maintaining a bone-healthy lifestyle?
A. Smoking cessation
B. Limit alcohol consumption
C. Regular weight-bearing exercise
D. All of the above
3. What is the recommended daily allowance of elemental calcium and vitamin D in a 64- year-old woman?
A. 1000 mg Ca and 600 IU vitamin D
B. 1000 mg Ca and 800 IU vitamin D
C. 1200 mg Ca and 1000 IU vitamin D
D. 1200 mg Ca and 400 IU vitamin D
4. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate treatment for a patient with osteoporosis with kidney dysfunction (CrCl < 30 mL/min)?
A. Alendronate 10 mg orally daily
B. Denosumab 60 mg SC every 6 months
C. Ibandronate 150 mg orally monthly
D. Zoledronic acid 5 mg IV once yearly
5. Which of the following is a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis?
A. Red meat consumption
B. Alcohol use
C. Advanced age
D. Physical inactivity
6. Which of the following is NOT considered a goal of therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis?
A. Cure
B. Disease remission
C. Improve quality of life
D. Improve functional disabilities
7. True/False. All patients with rheumatoid arthritis should receive the influenza vaccine.
A. True
B. False
8. True/False. Nonpharmacologic therapy delays disease progression and improves joint function in patients with osteoarthritis.
A. True
B. False
9. Which of the following would be the most appropriate agent in treating a patient with an acute gouty attack?
A. Acetaminophen
B. Allopurinol
C. Colchicine
D. Probenecid
10. The dose of colchicine should be adjusted in a patient taking which of the following concurrent agents?
A. Aspirin
B. Diltiazem
C. Metformin
D. Warfarin
Evaluation Questions
11. To what extent did the program meet objective #1?
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
12. To what extent did the program meet objective #2?
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
13. To what extent did the program meet objective #3?
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
14. To what extent did the program meet objective #4?
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
15. Rate the effectiveness of how well the program related to your educational needs:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
16. Rate how well the active learning strategies (questions, cases, discussions) were appropriate and effective learning tools:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
17. Rate the quality of the faculty:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
18. Rate the effectiveness and the overall usefulness of the material presented:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
19. Rate the appropriateness of the examination for this activity:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
20. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity related to your practice needs:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
21. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity will help you improve patient care:
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Fair
E. Poor
22. Will the information presented cause you to change your practice?
A. Yes
B. No
23. Are you committed to making these changes?
A. Yes
B. No
24. As a result of this activity, did you learn something new?
A. Yes
B. No
25. What is your practice setting or area of practice?
A. Community Pharmacy/Independent
B. Community Pharmacy/Chain
C. Hospital/Health Systems
D. Administrative/Pharmacy Director
E. Critical Care Pharmacy
F. Long-term Care
G. Managed Care/PBM
H. Oncology
I. Specialty Pharmacy
J. Industry/Manufacturing
26. How many years have you been in practice?
A. <5
B. 5 – 10
C. 11 – 20
D. >20