1. Compared with the parent strain of SARS-CoV-2, the delta variant has greater

2. Which of the following SARS-CoV-2 strains was most commonly isolated in the United States in July 2021?

3. Which of the following pre-exposure measures is best for decreasing the risk of severe disease from SARS-CoV-2?

4. During the delta-variant-driven surge of COVID-19 cases in summer 2021, which of these patient populations has been at highest risk for developing severe disease?

5. Which of the following conditions has occurred in children manifested by widespread inflammation of various organs that could be fatal if not managed?

6. How long should patients treated with convalescent plasma for COVID-19 wait to receive a vaccination against the disease?

7. Which of the following patients would be most likely to NOT have a robust response to a COVID-19 vaccine, even if receiving the full 2-dose regimen of an mRNA vaccine?

8. As of July 2021, FDA had approved booster doses for a COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by which of the following manufacturers?

9. Which of the following monoclonal antibodies has demonstrated activity against several variants of SARS-CoV-2 and is recommended in the NIH guidelines as potential treatment option?

10. Which of the following medical conditions was well represented in clinical trials and is part of FDA emergency use authorization criteria for use of monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19?

Evaluation Questions

11. To what extent did the program meet objective #1?

12. Rate the effectiveness of how well the program related to your educational needs:

13. Rate how well the active learning strategies (questions, cases, discussions) were appropriate and effective learning tools:

14. Rate the quality of the faculty:

15. Rate the effectiveness and the overall usefulness of the material presented:

16. Rate the appropriateness of the examination for this activity:

17. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity related to your practice needs:

18. Rate the effectiveness of how well the activity will help you improve patient care:

19. Will the information presented cause you to change your practice?

20. Are you committed to making these changes?

21. As a result of this activity, did you learn something new?

22. What is your practice setting or area of practice?

23. How many years have you been in practice?

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