1. JF arrives at the emergency department with stabbing, sharp chest pain which is determined to be a type A aortic dissection on CT. JF has a serum creatinine of 1.0, a heart rate of 120 beats/minute, and a blood pressure of 180/110mmHg. Which of the following is the best recommended blood pressure/heart rate target for JF within 20 minutes?

2. Which of the following agents would be the most appropriate first line therapy for aortic dissection, assuming no contraindications?

3. Which of the following statements surrounding hypertensive emergencies is incorrect?

4. Which of the following statements surrounding medication management in hypertensive emergencies is correct?

5. TJ is a 46-year-old male presenting with an acute intracranial hemorrhage. On admission, his vital signs are as follows: heart rate 80 beats per minute, blood pressure 174/94 mmHg, respiratory rate 12 breaths per minute. Which of the following blood pressure targets are recommended by the 2015 AHA/ASA Guidelines on the management of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage?

6. Which of the following agents would be the most appropriate first line therapy for sustained blood pressure control in the first 24-hours after acute ischemic stroke in a patient with a presenting blood pressure of 196/90 mmHg and heart rate 72 beats per minute?

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