1. Initiation of every 2 months dosing of cabotegravir/rilpivirine (CAB/RPV) requires:

2. Which of the following antiretroviral agents should be avoided in patients with chronic kidney disease?

3. A 52-year-old woman with a 9-year history of HIV is currently taking DRV/c plus TDF/FTC and is virally suppressed, hepatitis B virus negative, and has no noted resistance. She recently started taking a statin for her hypercholesterolemia and a recent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan showed decreased bone mineral density. She would like to switch to a single tablet regimen and is interested in an oral 2-drug regimen. Which of the following is appropriate for her?

4. A 65-year-old man is diagnosed with HIV (HIV RNA 130,000 copies/mL) and would like to start a 2-drug regimen if possible. He has stage 2 chronic kidney disease (CKD); hypercholesterolemia, for which he takes a statin; and untreated hepatitis B virus (HBV). Which of his conditions or characteristics suggest that he is NOT an ideal candidate for a 2-drug regimen?

Evaluation Questions

5. On average, how many patients with HIV do you see each week?

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