Most Pharmacists Say They Will Get COVID-19 Vaccine As Soon As They Can
More than three-quarters of pharmacists say they will receive a COVID-19 vaccine once approved, and most of those say they will do so as soon as possible. That’s according to a new American Pharmacists Association survey that also showed a high level of readiness among pharmacies preparing to offer the vaccinations to the public. Here is more information.
WASHINGTON, DC – Over the past two months, an additional 16% of pharmacists say they are willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and would receive the vaccine as soon as possible.
Two months ago, 36% of pharmacists responding to an American Pharmacists Association survey said they were in that situation, but the percentage jumped to 52% when questioned in late November. A very small number, 6% said they definitely would refuse the vaccine.
The nationwide survey of 400 pharmacists also found that more than three quarters of pharmacists plan to be vaccinated with one of the COVID vaccines.
Here were the responses to questions about pharmacist plans to be vaccinated themselves:
- 52% said they would receive the vaccine as soon as possible
- 17% said they would receive it after six months of experience with the vaccine
- 9% said they would receive after one year of experience with the vaccine
- 17% said they were undecided
- 6% said they would not receive it
Nearly all respondents, 95%, said they had received or plan to receive the influenza vaccine for this season.
Some – if not many – pharmacists are expected to fall into the highest priority category of front-line healthcare workers to receive the vaccine, although the exact interpretation might change over time and be determined state-by-state.
Based on the survey, pharmacies have high readiness to begin administering the COVID-19 vaccine – once Food and Drug Administration approved – to other patients. Most responding pharmacists, 60%, practices would be ready to administer the vaccines as soon as they are available.
Specifically, 37% said they are currently ready to receive the vaccine and vaccinate patients as soon as the vaccine is available, while 23% said they were in the final preparation stages and will be ready in time to administer vaccinations when they are available. Another 34% said they would not be able to participate in the first wave of vaccination efforts but plan to be ready for future phases, while just 6% said the logistics of participation are too difficult and that they would not participate
The pharmacists also showed a high level of willingness, 74%, to order and administer the vaccine, with only 2% responding that they were unwilling and 3% responding that they were undecided. The remainder of the respondents advise that they do not provide direct patient care and, therefore, would not vaccinate.
Most of the respondents, 70%, also said the support staff at their pharmacy practice location is adequate to safely offer the COVID-19 vaccine.
The survey was sponsored and conducted by the American Pharmacists Association from Nov. 21-28, 2020, with 400 respondents. Pharmacists across many types of practice sites participated, principally in chain pharmacies, supermarket pharmacies, independent pharmacies, and hospital and institutional pharmacies.