*Please note that the Vaccination Administration Library for Pharmacy Technicians is no longer available for purchase. If you have already purchased the package, you will still have access, but you must complete all courses by the expiration date.

About this Library

PowerPak has selected our best vaccine administration continuing education courses to offer pharmacy technicians a unique library to meet your CE immunization requirements.

This 3-course library provides Pharmacy Technicians with the following:

  • Details of immune system physiology to increase understanding of the science related to different types of vaccines and their mechanism of immunity development
  • Currently recommended vaccinations for various susceptibilities from birth to older adulthood with focus on vaccine type, indication, and special considerations
  • Facts and scientific research behind vaccination myths emphasizing the safety and necessity of immunization
  • Reasons for vaccination refusal and strategies to foster open-minded, respectful and informed conversations with patients about vaccination beliefs and concerns
  • Administering guidance on immunizations to adults including education on deciding whom to vaccinate, assessing vaccine contraindications and precautions, providing vaccine information statements, ensuring appropriate storage and handling of vaccines, and maintaining vaccine records


Vaccination Immunizations

Included CE


This program contains 3 CE courses

Payment Information

Payment is required to view and take the courses in the Vaccination Administration Library for Pharmacy Technicians. If you have received a promotional voucher code from your pharmacy please provide the code in the box on the payment screen.