1. Which of the following contact lenses are nonionic and have a high water content?

2. Which is TRUE of gas permeable lenses?

3. Which of the following is an advantage to silicone hydrogel contact lenses?

4. Which of these forms a complex with calcium to remove deposits from the contact lens surface?

5. Which of the following would be expected to have the greatest positive influence on contact lens comfort?

6. In hydrogen peroxide-based contact lens care systems, what is the purpose of the hydrogen peroxide?

7. Dante is a 25-year-old patient who was just prescribed contact lenses for the first time. His eye care provider advised him to use whichever contact solution he was comfortable with. He tells you he is concerned that he is going to get infections from touching his eyes to insert and remove the lenses. He asks you to recommend an antibiotic ointment for his eyes to prevent infection. Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation for Dante?

8. Martin, a 30-year-old patient, asks you to recommend the best rewetting drops. His eye care provider prescribed gas permeable lenses, which he started wearing 4 days ago, and hydrogen peroxide-based contact solution. He says the lenses make his eyes feel gritty, like there is always something in them. Which of the following is the most appropriate counseling point for Martin?

9. Suzie, a 36-year-old patient, approaches your pharmacy to ask about contact solution. She tells you she cleans her silicone hydrogel contact lenses on a nightly basis using a multipurpose solution. She recently switched to a new product at the recommendation of a friend because she burned her eyes with her previous solution. She shows you the new product box with the following ingredients: sodium citrate, boric acid, EDTA, poloxamine, Polyquad, Aldox. She tells you she used to be able to wear her lenses for a longer period of time before they became uncomfortable. What do you recommend?

10. A mother comes to your pharmacy with questions about her son's contact lenses. He is having recurrent eye infections, and she suspects his silicone hydrogel lenses are the cause. He is a 16-year-old boy, and he wears his contact lenses daily and replaces them monthly. If his daily routine is as follows, what might you suggest to his mother?

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