1. Which of the following describes an immune-related change in the elderly population?

2. Which of the following contributes to inflammaging?

3. How efficacious is the recombinant herpes zoster vaccine for postherpetic neuralgia prevention in patients 70 years or older?

4. Leslie, a 60-year-old woman, tells you that her husband Ben had a shingles rash on his abdomen that resolved 2 weeks ago, but he has been complaining that wearing a shirt hurts his skin. He did not receive a herpes zoster vaccine. What is Ben experiencing?

5. Which of these complications is the most likely consequence of skipping influenza vaccination?

6. Which best describes a potential barrier to herpes zoster vaccination?

7. When considering CDC's “SHARE” model, which of the following is an appropriate way to address patients' barriers to vaccine administration?

8. Which of the following vaccines is NOT paid for by Medicare Part B?

9. Anne is a 70-year-old patient who comes to your pharmacy for an influenza vaccine. She received her first dose of RZV at your location 3 months ago and PCV13 16 months ago. Which is the most appropriate recommendation for Anne?

10. Ron is a 65-year-old patient who comes to your pharmacy for a PCV13 vaccine at the recommendation of his physician. Given his vaccine history, what other vaccine do you recommend he get today?

Today’s date: 10/07/2020
Herpes zoster ZVL 06/07/2016
RZV 02/13/2020
Tetanus 05/15/2015
Pneumococcal No history
Influenza 08/07/2020

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