1. A negative β-amyloid PET image in a patient with dementia means:

2. Which imaging compound is FDA-approved for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease?

3. Potassium iodide or Lugol's solution should be administered more than 1 hour before testing with which imaging agent?

4. Which of the following is a hallmark finding of Alzheimer's disease?

5. Which of the following is a possible current treatment for mild-to-moderate AD?

6. 18F-fludeoxyglucose combined with PET imaging helps visualize which of the following?

7. When is a prospective review of orders required?

8. Which of the following is FALSE regarding adverse event reporting?

9. Patients are required to fast 4-6 hours before administration of which of the following?

10. Which of the following findings accurately represents the results of a telephone survey conducted across five countries by Blendon, et al.?

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