1. Multipurpose disinfecting solutions (MPDS) require rinsing of hydrogel soft contact lenses prior to storage.

2. Rigid gas permeable contact lenses require additional care compared with hydrogel soft contact lenses, including which of the following:

3. Which one of the following is the correct statement regarding topical ophthalmic medication use for patients with contact lenses:

4. Which of the following are appropriate reminders when counseling patients about contact lens care:

5. Which of the following correctly describes the steps for self-care of contact lenses after removal from the eye:

6. Which type of contact lens solution is preservative free?

7. Which of the following is an advantage of rigid gas permeable contact lenses:

8. Contact lens solutions are considered nonprescription medications and are, thus, strictly regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

9. An example of a noninfectious complication from the use of contact lenses includes 3/9 o'clock staining. 3/9 o'clock staining is defined as which of the following:

10. Which of the following medications has a drug interaction with hydrogel soft contact lenses:

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