1. What percentage of people self-administer epinephrine to treat an anaphylactic episode?

2. According to Food Allergy and Research Education data, which groups are at GREATEST risk for a fatal anaphylactic reaction?

3. According to the World Allergy Organization, how many criteria must be met to make a diagnosis of anaphylaxis?

4. Anaphylaxis generally involves which organ systems?

5. Which intervention is recommended as first-line treatment for anaphylaxis in all guidelines and practice parameters?

6. What are the key components of discharge management following an acute episode of anaphylaxis?

7. A 13-year old male with a history of allergies to bee venom experiences an anaphylactic episode after being stung by a bee. What procedures should be followed immediately?

8. When would you administer a second dose of epinephrine to an 11-year old female with a history of peanut allergies who has had an acute anaphylactic reaction to a food containing peanuts and whose symptoms are not improving after the initial dose?

9. A 6-year old male is experiencing an acute anaphylactic episode after exposure to latex; epinephrine has been administered and an ambulance has been called. What is the best way to position him while waiting for the ambulance to arrive?

10. What rating has the FDA assigned to the generic epinephrine autoinjector currently approved in the US?

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